Fall into Autumn with Seasonal Acupuncture

0969443001537218924.jpgAutumn is finally making its debut later this week after (what seems to me) a long, hot summer!  If you've been with The Healing Arts Center for any length of time you know this means it's time for your seasonal acupuncture appointment!  If you're new to acupuncture and the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) 5-element theory, let me give you a short background!  Each season of the year is associated with a specific element and has different acupuncture meridians that govern the changes in the body at these times.  The 5 element theory says that harmony between all these elements will help promote health and wellness in the body!

Let's talk a little about the Fall season in terms of what it means for you, your mind, and your body!

Fall is associated with the element Metal and the 'theme' of this time is letting go.  It is a great time to wrap up old projects and spend time with friends and family.  Many will notice they have a stronger sense of what the most meaningful parts of their lives are in the autumn season!  Fall is also a wonderful time to set limits, set up/protect your boundaries, organize, and work on communication.  It is also a time of introspection, so perhaps you will want to look inward and organize your mind as well with a new meditation routine!

Why get acupuncture treatment if you don't have a 'complaint?  Prevention!  Here are 3 top reasons why you should come in for seasonal acupuncture!

1.  Prevention- Seasonal acupuncture helps your body through the change of season and can help you avoid getting ill at the season change!

2. Maintenance- For those with chronic illnesses, allergies, and chronic fatigue, seasonal acupuncture sessions are great 'tune-ups' that are spread throughout the year to help reduce your issues!

3.  Acupuncture by design works better for prevention than as an intervention after you're already sick!  Getting acupuncture to boost your body's defenses can help you avoid the "normal" aches, pains, and illnesses people sometimes notice during the change of season!  

Call us today at the clinic to schedule YOUR seasonal acupuncture session before October 3rd!  Mention this blog post for $5 off now through 10/3/2018!  


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